Baldo Mikulić is a psychologist, a singing teacher and a singing therapist, who leads Orpheus-singing school in Croatia, grounded by him. He also gives international singing courses.
His singing course is a foundation course for participants, who already know the basics of the School for Uncovering the Voice. He describes his course in this way: ”If we want to come closer to ”The Ethos of singing”, we must look at the Ethos in ourselves. How? One way is to try to understand the subtitle of Werbeck´s book ”School for Uncovering the Voice”, which says that this singing method is ”A path towards Catharsis in the Art of Singing”. In more practical words: In freeing the voice, we have to remove the physical obstacles (like muscle tension), but also, we must release the psychological obstacles we have acquired during our upbringing and education. How?
If for example, we manage to deepen our breathing, we will not only experience that we can sing the whole song through without noticing that we are breathing, but we will also get rid of the fears which stop us in taking new steps in life.
When we are dealing with consonants and vowels we can discover the forces which lay behind those sounds. Those forces are also in us, but usually in dormant state.
Singing can wake them up, can put them in front ”of our noses”, so that we become aware of them. And then one can say: ”Yes, I can use it so sing better and more freely, but I also can use these forces in my everyday life. I don´t need to be a person who just obeys the rules of the others but I can lead my life and create my own world. I can discover who I really am, and what I want in life. And when I find what I want from myself, I will come closer to my own Ethos, through singing. My workshop will focus on examples of how to wake up those dormant forces in us.”